
It's Been a While....

The story goes that my college friend's sister was carded one night. The bouncer looked at her license then back at her and commented "125 lbs?" She snatched the licence out of his hand and said "It's been awhile!"

So it goes with the little neglected blog.

Work has been quite crazy. I've been swimming upstream for a few months now and my arms and brain are exhausted.

In the new year, I promise to be more vigilant in bringing the snark. I've got plenty of material fer sure.

In the meantime, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND SEE YOU IN 2010!!!


I Watched Nie!

I so jinxed myself with that last post. Monday was H.E.L.L. And Tuesday was kind of Meeeh...

But today nienie was on Oprah. And she and Christian were awesome! It's weird how blogging introduces you to people who feel like they become your friends - although most days I feel too mean-spirited to be in the same room as Nie. No matter how bad your day is....if you just read a little bit of her blog...and her days....you feel somehow uplifted...and all of a sudden...you want to be a better person because of her. She will make your day and put your perspective on life in order.



Ahhhh, a lazy day. The joy of doing abSOLUTEly nothing in particular.

Deep condition hair? Check, this time with some Shear Splendor "hair marinating oil"
Polished nails? Check, Nicole by opi, Show You Care
Watched back DVR'd things? Check, all caught up on Army Wives and Drop Dead Diva
Also watched a random Lifetime movie, Untraceable and currently popping on Seven Pounds (which I hear I will bawl through). Sigh...

Man, I so needed just to make like a potato today. I just might make it through the work week now!



I thought since I was watching the game right now, I'd go back and post a few pictures from the soggy game a few weeks ago.

The benefit of 70% chance of rain is that Tiger Walk is not that crowded.

Who got da cutest coach? We do! It Dabo!

I'm not sure who this is, but the suit.....that suit rocks!

Kyle Parker, hotshot freshman quarterback....who needs a haircut.

Michael Wade: way-back-up quarterback, holder, brooder.

Landon Walker aka Mr. Kissy Lips

Thomas Austin who just false-started! Really? Still liked your speech at the IPTAY meeting.

I love Korn. This is Willie.

Another incredible suit.

No. This doesn't make me feel old at all. Is this guy even old enough to drive at night?

And did I leave Clemson without taking a random nature picture? Of course not...


How the...

How is it that I was up at 8 to be at work at 11 and was STILL late? Hash rounds.


Are You Ready for Some Football???

Tick...tick...tick....it's almost time!!!



When I'm having a bad day --er, week-- like this one, I find that if I look at this

or this

then maybe this...

click here for a sec...

Hmmmmm.....sorry, did you say something? Whoa! Zoned out there for a while! What was I saying? Oh, yeah - I feel better for a few minutes.


---A little disturbing. Then I remember he's European. Then I'm fine again.



Surely there is a way to get this beauty and its twin to, well - not exist - anymore during Clutter Buster weekend. Unfortunately, they were grandfathered in when we moved in together. Of course, Lovey would NOT understand why I want them gone.


Random Cell Phone Pictures

Giant cupcake to commemorate Swiduggar's last day:

While informative, work-sponsored classes are also rather boring. Pretty spaceship!

He ded.

Why the heck is there a cardboard box with a plaster head in it in the flowerbed? That's what I said.

I soooo parallel-parked this behemoth at the Towne Center!! Yes, there was a car in front of me when I did it.

This one's just for my Mom. Is this what you wanted to do with Granddaddy's car?


The Zed

What could be *more funnerer* than zipping down the Dorch with the top down blasting Guns N Roses? Nuthin'


Not So Long Distance Dedications

With all due respect to Kasey Kasem, I have a few dedications I'd like to make:

To the person(s) driving the black Smartcar on Saturday: tinting the windows does NOT make you look cooler. (Although Lovey may have nailed it when he said they might be tinted them because they were so embarrassed to be driving a glorified Matchbox.)

To the Joe Dirt in the old Camaro who tried to race me down Dorchester on Sunday: I was not trying to race you; I was trying to get to the grocery store before the heavens opened and drenched me with rain. And yeah, I would have taken you if I hadn't been in the little BMW.

To the woman in the flip-flops....and pajama pants....and bra-less tank top who came in my office yesterday: when you learn how to dress yourself to go out in public, I will consider you a serious client. Until then, do not be surprised if I do not fall all over myself to assist you. That crap might fly in Walmart, but not in my fine establishment.

To the 27-month pregnant woman in Superwally today: I hope for your sake - and my eyes - that you give birth soon. Because the belly hanging out of your top? Ewww.
PS - They have this thing called a "pacifier" now. If inserted correctly, it will keep your toddler's shrieking from being heard from produce to tire center.

Until next time: keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the stars.



Views from the deck:

There were at least six deer in the front yard at one time! They were so friendly they were eating out of Lovey's hand.

Fripp Sunset


One Good Name

The opinions expressed here are merely the opinion (and only opinion) of a girl sitting on her couch in beautiful South Carolina.

Today I'm going to talk about the correlation between Mark Sanford and Steve McNair. I can hear you saying "huh?" but stick with me.

When I was growing up, my dad always said "You only have one good name. It's up to you what you do with it". To which I probably said in my head "shut up! shut up! shut up! OK! Whatever!" But the older I get, the more I *get* it. Which leads me to these two.

Mark Sanford

I've put off saying anything about him yet because he has only just now shut his pie hole. Everyday some other ridiculousness has fallen out of his mouth. When his story first broke a few weeks ago, he was supposedly wandering the Appalachian trail to clear his head. Something poetic along the lines of Thoreau or Walt Whitman (and you know what whackadoos they were!). Then the real story hit. Our 'pillar of family values' governor was off in Argentina living it up with his mistress - over Father's Day weekend. Nice, A$$hat. Then Gooberjob had the nerve to say in print that he was going to "try" to fall back in love with his wife. I hope Jenny says "thanks but no thanks" to that egotistical self-centered freakshow. Sorry, got a little carried away there......Anyhoo! Team Jenny! But only if she ditches him for good. Damn, but I wish he'd just been crazy.

Steve McNair
The only thing I know about him is what I've read yesterday and today about his death. He was found shot to death in a Nashville condo along with a 20-year old woman who was also shot. They are now speculating murder-suicide. Several days earlier, she was pulled over for DUI along with McNair in an Escalade which was registered to her and McNair. McNair leaves behind a WIFE and FOUR SONS. Hmmm, same as our governor. The press says his wife is devastated.

Here's my point. The legacy these two guys leave behind for their kids probably won't be their achievements in politics and sports as much as the sullied name that each has created for themselves. Each had a good name that has been forever been marked in controversy and scandal.

Whitney said "the children are our future - teach them well and let them lead the way". Hopefully their mothers will teach them the character their fathers' actions have not.


Happy 4th!

In honor of the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform throughout history - who made this the land of the free and the home of the brave - I present you with the most hideous piece of flag clothing I have come across:

Is there some sort of application I need to complete to regain my British citizenship and regain my crown? Just askin'.


Fly Math

Word problem:

There are two flies in your house. You kill one. How many do you have left?


The answer is three! Yeesh...


What I Did On My First (Half) Day of Vacation

First half? Went to work. That's right. Of course, I did. Had to really. But enough about that.

I cannot believe it...but I saw a local version of this:

Oh, my! Kate's reverse mullet (business in the back, party in the front). I nearly ran into the glass store door. She did not however, have the little Samoan husband and was missing at least 6 kids.


I'm Easily Entertained....

Today I left work early to take Lovey to the back doctor. He needed someone with him in case they gave him a shot in his back.

There is really nothing funnier to me than Lovey on pain medicine. The first time he had kidney stones the doctor gave him Percocet (or something) that left him....let's say a little loopy. I just remember him sitting in the living room floor staring at his arm slurring "I jush don undershand how they put an IV in my arm when therzzz already stuff in therrreee." Laughed. My. Butt. Off!

When he was given Valium to do an MRI of his back, he came home and Shaved Down both of the little white dogs. Giggle.....

Today we had to be there at 3:30. I was kinda prepared...took my new Glamour magazine to read -- which is good since the Charleston Magazine they had in the waiting room was from 2006!

At 5:11 (after I had read my magazine, an Avon catalog and watched the same coverage on CNN of Michael Jackson's will and Mr. Sleazy's latest TMI), I get this text from Lovey in the exam room: "You hettingb ored yet?" Love. It. On the way home, he told me the same story 4 times. Each time beginning with "Have I told you...?"

He is currently sleeping it off in bonus room.

He has 5 more shots scheduled. Hilarity will ensue....

UPDATE: Lovey has no recollection of the text message. Omigosh...it doesn't get much mo bedda than this!


My Week So Far

*Had a headache for two solid days (probably sinus from crying my eyes out over the end of Grand Torino. Saddest. Ending. Evva!)

*Had to sit in a marketing class with my nemesis ex-boss

*Michael Jackson freakin' DIED! And Lovey is devastated....he loved the King of Pop.

*Our governor goes on Mr. Sleazy's Wild Ride and ends up making my pretty little state look stupid (yet again) on national news. I swear, how hard is it to have a positive, uplifting story come out of this state??? (More on this later. I got a lot to say)>

*Oh, yeah! It's only THURSDAY!!! I have 5 (FIVE) more days before I get to have a day off!

What the heck will Friday bring?


Baby Girl

This dirty little wet-faced girl is my Blanca. Mizz B hasn't had much of a presence here on da blog because she's a little camera-shy. It took me about 17 shots just to get this one. What can I say? She hates the paparazzi!

Monday, Lovey and I almost lost her. No eating or drinking, barely able to hold her head up, white-as-a-ghost belly, hacking cough each time she took a breath. A trip to the vet suggested bad things afoot. Text from Lovey said it all "doc says she doesn't look good".

Baby Girl (and Duffy) have been a part of my life for almost as long as Lovey. Lovey adopted/rescued them when we had been dating around 6 months. As a matter of fact, it did seem a little weird at the time that he wanted to adopt 2 fluffy white dogs. Mmmm. The initial plan was to adopt the male "Fluffy". However, he was raised with a girl bichon named Blanca. The rescue organization didn't want to separate them if possible so Lovey was talked into taking on both of them on a trial basis - two weeks.

The dogs had been neglected by their prior owners so they had issues. Blanca cried every night for a week which caused Lovey to pay extra attention to her needs. As a result, I took up time with Duffy (because Fluffy for a dog, no, just no!). And so it kind of went with our dynamic. And of course, the trial basis became permanent.

When Lovey was deployed, it was comforting to know that the little white dogs were so happy to see me when I came home at night. Made it a little less lonely. When Lovey was in Spain for 6 months, each weekend I'd load them both in the car and drive through neighborhoods looking for houses for us.

Over the past few years, Blanca and I have gotten closer. She spends more time with me - following me around, sleeping on the couch with me when the boys are outside. Girls have to stick together, you know. Especially since Big Brown (Pullo) has come on the scene.

Logically, I know that the little white dogs are getting older - aren't we all? But Monday was hard. Sitting there in the specialist's office, I looked over at Lovey's face. His expression said it all. I had been on the verge of tears since his first text came in, but I knew that if the doctor came back with horrible news, we were both going to be basket cases.

Baby Girl was diagnosed with heart failure. The doc gave her 3 medicines which has here almost back to her normal self. Her color is better, and she is back under my feet when I'm cooking dinner. Today she even ate peanut butter again (if Blanca or Lovey turn down peanut butter, call 911). With the medication, she should be around for another 8 month to a year or so.

I don't even want to think about the day she is gone. But one thing is for certain: for the next however-long, Baby Girl is going to have the loved kind of life every little dog envies.



Tomorrow is hopefully the last day that I have to cross this

to get to work. I love this bridge (but not nearly as much as the old one). I love the big sweeping curve to get onto the bridge (where 45 mph is merely a suggestion). But I hate the traffic getting there (and the traffic when I get there. When did stop signs become mere suggestions?) and the traffic getting home (if you're on your phone stay out of my fast lane).

Wednesday I get to go back "home" to my team. Hello, routine! I've missed you so!


A Boy and His Dog

Er..the boy is under there somewhere, I swear.

Crazy Things

In a break from the usual wackness that comes out of my brain, I need to put out a prayer request for my neighbor's granddaughter, Kayla.

Last weekend, she was flipped off of an ATV and broke her neck. She hasn't regained consciousness, nor do the doctors know if she has sustained permanent brain damage. She is not breathing on her own at all.

She is only 15.

My neighbor lost her husband to cancer about 2 years ago. I cannot imagine how they are handling this. Geez...please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers.


Close....but no Cupcake

Yesterday marked another anniversary for me on this big blue marble. I didn't have to work which was a pure treat.

So what did I do on my special day? Nuthin'! And I loooved it. I slept a little late (no thanks to these dogs); I ate my favorite for lunch (gyro sandwich and greek potatoes) and the most strenuous thing I did all day was to paint my toenails. It was pure heaven! The only thing that would have made it perfection would have been a homemade pound cake cupcake with buttercream icing. Can't have it all......

I got a card and roses from Lovey (and a LAPTOP!!! which came today). It's bee-you-teel-full! As my girl M-M put it "so you can watch HGTV and surf J Crew and Ebay at the same time!" Well said, my friend.


Hip Hop Comes to Easter

I'm sorry! There is no way around a pun here. On my day off yesterday, The Chop and I ate lunch then took a nostalgic trip to the SuperWally.....where we spotted these.....

That's right: Diva Da Bunny and Dude Da Bunny. Complete with candy Bunny Bling. Seriously?



So after whining and complaining for 3 solid days, I decided (after even Lovey told me I was being bitter about it) that I would see the opportunity in my previous post rather than the negative. I *still* hate driving I-26 every day. Driving is sort of an exaggeration. It's more like rolling a few feet before stopping for 30 seconds -- then repeat -- for an hour. But turning this Titanic around could earn me great respect from my VP, plus perhaps a little chunk of change more???

Let's not forget that it will also make that mommy-part-showing-sucking-up-good-for-nothing-other-person-that-I'm-fixing-her-mess look stoopid. And isn't that worth it?


Please May I Have Another....

Because my team at work is doing so well, I *get* to go manage the other yuck team in town for 60 days. Quite flattering, yes.

But also

This means I *get* to:
-drive 3 times as far to get to work
-sit in traffic 6 times as long as it takes to get to work
-work (at least) twice as many weekends as I currently do
-work with a smaller team than I currently do
-work four times harder than I normally do
-use even more gas than I currently use
-spend more money on lunch than I normally do (no stove there)

all for no more compensation than I currently make. Um, thanks?



If one actually wanted to purchase a fanny pack*, where in the world would one go to purchase a fanny pack? Would it require a Delorean and a clock tower?

*Disclaimer: I do not want to purchase a fanny pack or receive one as a gift. I merely saw one in a picture and pondered. Hence the title.


I Want...No, I Need...No, I Want!

There is one computer in our house. It is usually tied up on motorcycle or cars or football blogs. Guess who isn't on it?

A few weeks ago, I spotted a mini-laptop at HH Gregg. It promptly got stuck in my head. I have made it my goal to have this little creature by my birthday or for my birthday. I don't care that it has a plug.

It is deceptively tiny. Like I could carry it in my purse like a day planner tiny. Imagine, I could blog anytime, anywhere about all the nonsensical stuff floating around in my head at all times instead of "splurt blogging". So need this. Want!

Let's look at it this way. The week after my birthday, Lovey bought EXPENSIVE speakers for the bonus room. The week after Christmas, Lovey bought a RACE BIKE. Therefore, for Lovey's birthday, I should already have this little gem.

Projected Projects

I've mentioned my new OCD. Well, I also have about a thousand ideas of decor projects in our house.

First up, the ugly (but free) parsons chair:

It's hideous, yes? This is going to live at my little desk area downstairs.

I'm also thinking of painting the formica top with chalkboard paint (this will be done on a day Lovey is NOT IN TOWN. Better to take praise for innovation later instead of being quizzed before hand, no?)

Here is a look at my perfectest office ever:

Pottery Barn, you had me from "project table".
And I'd have to have these idea boards:

My little project board is here:

The swatch in the center is burlap - $2.97/yard from the Wally - that is going on the ugly parsons chair. Trust me.

The fabric and trim on the left is going here:

Wow...that almost makes the parsons look good. Anyway, the wood will be painted gloss black, the fabric will be black and white with the lime trim. Yes, it is going to live in the green room.

The houndstooth fabric on the right.....I don't know.....it has to go somewhere in here - even if it is only on pillows.

So here are the "befores". "Afters" to follow...

Our Weekend

Pullo had a card for Lovey for Valentine's Day - and a big bag of Reese's hearts! Sorry for the crappy picture...

For Valentine's Day dinner, I had an odd request: chicken wings. See, I haven't cheated on my diet to any degree THIS YEAR so I felt it was only right to treat myself. They. Were. Heaven. Loved. Them. All...

On Sunday, I took inspiration from Jen Lancaster and made chocolate peanut butter cupcakes for Lovey's birthday cake.

Yeah.... They were that good! The entire house smelled like (non-tainted) peanut butter all day.



Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Lovey!
Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
You act like a monkey,
And smell like one, too!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Loooooooo-veeeeeeey!
Happy birthday to you!

And many more!!!!!!!


Weigh Cool!!!

As has been my practice since the New Year, I weigh myself every Monday morning. And again on Tuesday because it's always a little less. :/ I am happy to report that as of this morning, I have lost 8 pounds. EIGHT! That's one third of the way to my goal. I can actually tell that my pants and skirts are a little looser. I wore jeans yesterday that I haven't been able to button since last April. Woot! Woot! Now I can go shopping in my closet for *new* clothes this spring.

This really doesn't help the $25 J. Crew Rewards card that is currently burning a hole in my wallet. I don't want to buy my old size, but I don't want to buy the new smaller size of anything until I am truly that smaller size. All in all, I guess it's not that bad of a dilemma to have.


One Word

1. Where is your cell phone? attached
2. Your significant other? Lovey
3. Your hair? graying
4. Your mother? sweet
5. Your father? orange
6. Your favorite thing? creativity
7. Your dream last night? strange
8. Your favorite drink? water (blah, I know)
9. Your goal? organization
10. The room you are in? blue
11. Your fear? snakes
12. Where do you want (or will be) to be in 6 years? here
13. Where were you last night? couch
14. What you're not? aggressive
15. Muffins? please
16. One of your wish list items? mini-laptop (it's hyphenated!)
17. Where you grew up? O-burg
18. The last thing you did? type
19. What are you wearing? Uggs
20. Your TV? downstairs
21. Your pet? plural
22. Your computer? fast
23. Your life? Perfect
25. Missing someone? yep
26. Your car? full
27. Something you're not wearing? heels
28. Favorite store? JCrew
29. Your summer? hot
30. Your favorite color? lime
31. When is the last time you laughed? today
32. Last time you cried? ? XLIII

Now, leave me alone, E!!! I did one.

Pullo Sized!

Poor baby! These cold SC nights leave a poor boy shivering on these wood floors. Alas, dog beds don't quite fit my *baby* boy. At Ross today, I spotted a papasan chair cushion for $27 (with the $80 Pier 1 tag still attached!!).

I brought it home, and he loves it!


Think I'm Coming Down With Something

I've been feeling a little weird lately....not myself. I haven't seen a doctor, but I think it might be....OCD. GAK!

At work, due to "harsh economic times..." (and a touch of El Nino - shout out, Co-co!!), I'm forced to account for my expenses to the penny and my staff's overtime to the second.

I feel that this has eeked its way into my personal life. Of course, I started Operation Organization last month to de-clutter my life (and change the whole personality make-up of a clutterbug). But I think this is getting serious.

I got this book out that my Mom bought me a few years ago for a little organizational inspiration:

Wow! Martha, really?? I'd have to quit my day job just to do her weekly home checklist. Although, I did find my favorite "Martha Tip": use dark-colored washcloths to take your make-up off. (Make-up stains light-colored ones). Of course, Martha's had MAKEUP embroidered right on it (of course it did, it's Martha!). So much for my love of the 12-packs of white washcloths that I neatly rolled up for display.

Then I noticed that I had started organizing my dresser drawers according to color and type of shirt (short-sleeve, long-sleeve, tank, graphic, solid and stripe). Monday, I lined up all the Sugar-free Red Bulls and apple juices - MTV Crib-style - in the refrigerator.

The final straw was when I put all of my eggs in the same basket -- er, bowl -- all Martha-like:

I'm not sure at this point if I should be proud of myself or just plain afraid.