
My Week So Far

*Had a headache for two solid days (probably sinus from crying my eyes out over the end of Grand Torino. Saddest. Ending. Evva!)

*Had to sit in a marketing class with my nemesis ex-boss

*Michael Jackson freakin' DIED! And Lovey is devastated....he loved the King of Pop.

*Our governor goes on Mr. Sleazy's Wild Ride and ends up making my pretty little state look stupid (yet again) on national news. I swear, how hard is it to have a positive, uplifting story come out of this state??? (More on this later. I got a lot to say)>

*Oh, yeah! It's only THURSDAY!!! I have 5 (FIVE) more days before I get to have a day off!

What the heck will Friday bring?

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