
I Want...No, I Need...No, I Want!

There is one computer in our house. It is usually tied up on motorcycle or cars or football blogs. Guess who isn't on it?

A few weeks ago, I spotted a mini-laptop at HH Gregg. It promptly got stuck in my head. I have made it my goal to have this little creature by my birthday or for my birthday. I don't care that it has a plug.

It is deceptively tiny. Like I could carry it in my purse like a day planner tiny. Imagine, I could blog anytime, anywhere about all the nonsensical stuff floating around in my head at all times instead of "splurt blogging". So need this. Want!

Let's look at it this way. The week after my birthday, Lovey bought EXPENSIVE speakers for the bonus room. The week after Christmas, Lovey bought a RACE BIKE. Therefore, for Lovey's birthday, I should already have this little gem.

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