
Projected Projects

I've mentioned my new OCD. Well, I also have about a thousand ideas of decor projects in our house.

First up, the ugly (but free) parsons chair:

It's hideous, yes? This is going to live at my little desk area downstairs.

I'm also thinking of painting the formica top with chalkboard paint (this will be done on a day Lovey is NOT IN TOWN. Better to take praise for innovation later instead of being quizzed before hand, no?)

Here is a look at my perfectest office ever:

Pottery Barn, you had me from "project table".
And I'd have to have these idea boards:

My little project board is here:

The swatch in the center is burlap - $2.97/yard from the Wally - that is going on the ugly parsons chair. Trust me.

The fabric and trim on the left is going here:

Wow...that almost makes the parsons look good. Anyway, the wood will be painted gloss black, the fabric will be black and white with the lime trim. Yes, it is going to live in the green room.

The houndstooth fabric on the right.....I don't know.....it has to go somewhere in here - even if it is only on pillows.

So here are the "befores". "Afters" to follow...

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