
Classic Quirk

The style personality I discovered in the Style Cure interview is Classic Quirk.  It would actually describe our marriage as well. 

Dave would have our house look like a castle if he could:  dark wood, dark leather, stone… moat!  I like to shake it up.  For every new piece, there needs to be something old.  For something traditional, there also needs to be a modern piece or a fun element.  Dave likes brand new, match-matchy.  Me, not so much. I love things that mean something – that have a story.  Things that just “go”. 

For the most part, Dave is pretty easy-going about what I choose to do in the house. I never could quite sell him on the lilac/lavender/purple room, but that’s ok, too.  That worked out how it should have in the end, too.

The only thing I need to watch out for is “too  much of a good thing”.  I never met a stripe I didn’t like and everything would have a nailhead trim if I didn’t temper myself. 

When I have an idea of how a room should look, I can visualize the entire room in my head exactly how it will look all put together.  Maybe it’s my verbal interpretation, but sometimes my ideas don’t  translate to Dave so well. 

A common phrase in our house is “you just have to trust”.

And in the end, he usually gets it.

Thank God.

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