
Email of the Year

Today, I received the following email from my BGITW (Best Girl in the World).

Today E’s teacher sent home one of E’s assignments for us to see. She attached a note saying “In class we have been working on writing with detail. Attached is some of E’s writing :)”. Attached was a picture of a boy next to a brown circle. He wrote “Today I did a big poop. It was long. It was cool. It was gross.” Boys are such pigs…..

He's six. Priceless...

In related BGITW news, I wrote to her today to tell her what a good person I was because even though I found the perfect purple leather Michael Kors bag and the perfect black flat-heeled Born boots, I didn't buy them since Christmas is so close. I expected a "good for you" from my Financial Advisor/Logical Self. Here's what she wrote back:

You are not a good person for denying yourself those - they sound too good. Go get the boots and the purse and wrap them up to you from your furry kids. You so deserve a Christmas present from those dogs!

Uh oh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...