
A Vignette Christmas

Still no Christmas tree. Probs not going to happen at this point. I have done some more decorating though.

A wreath. There's one on the front of the door also, but it's flippin' cold out there + it's dark.

Did a little something on the kitchen island.

A little breakfast table action.

For the family room, I put together a little bouquet:

Red mums with hypernisomething berries:

And my favorite Nativity in the dining room:

Last night, Lovey and I had this conversation.

Me: You know what we should do? You should take all of the dogs with you to Tennessee, and I'll stay here and have a super quiet holiday.

Lovey: How about I take Blanca and Duffy, and I leave Pullo here with you?

Me: Why do I get the Big Brown Scaredy Dog?

Lovey: Because both of you think you're super cool after you get your hair done.

Hmm. Can't argue with that logic.


Anonymous said...

WHAT!!!! No tree with 8,000,000 lights on it???

K said...

Umm, it was 1900 lights. Give or take 100. :)