

Yesterday, I gave you a rant. *

Today, I give you a rave – because I'm not always a mean person. For true….

If you live anywhere in the Charleston area, you've heard of Gerald's Tires and Brakes. They offer the best customer service – hands down – of any business I've ever visited.

I've been driving around with a nail in my back tire for a few days (ok, a few weeks). Because I just can't seem to get up (and stay up) early in the morning, I haven't been able to take the SS by before work. Because Lovey is out of town on bidness (aw, he's so grown-up), I decided that I could leave my truck there in the morning, catch a ride with Lele and have someone take me to pick it up at lunchtime.

Wednesday morning, I dropped off the SS at 8:30 am. I asked if they would also have time to rotate the tires, and I was assured that they could. By the time I had poured my coffee at the office, I received a phone call that my vehicle was ready and could be picked up anytime I wanted. WOW! Superfast!

At lunchtime, I had S drop me off to pick it up. As I disgustedly pulled a check (ugh, checks….) out to pay, the Nice Gerald's Man said, "Oh, no, it's free of charge today." Um, what? "Even with the tire rotation?" I asked. "Yes, everything was free". After the Debit Card Debacle, I was so pleased I nearly choked up right there.

And, of course, the nice Gerald's people always leave a rose in your car as a thank you. I so needed a little pick-me-up after the week's customer service experience with The Bank.


*Rant Update – I now have a new, shiny debit card in my hot little hand now. Let the wild spending rumpus start! Bags of spinach for everyone!

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