First things first....
I am proud to say that I have not cheated One.Whole.Time this week. There were actually days I didn't even eat everything I was supposed to so I had *better* see some sort of result when I step on the scale in the morning. And how stupid am I that I weigh in on Monday???? That means no weekend cheating. Poorly played, K, poorly played.
Without further ado, here are my goal jeans:
Gap Low-rise Bell Jeans. They don't look like much just hanging there. Trust me on this one....
Let's compare them to the $8 Target jeans I bought a few weeks ago to Get Me Through. Becuase I was DAMNED if I was going to spend good money on bigger jeans.
These (left) are the Converse One-Star Delaney Straight Jean. And they'll do for now. Wow, they look big compared to my Goals. Le Boo! Le Boo!
While cleaning out the closet in the Green Room, I was BRUTAL. Take no clothing prisoners. The "I just can't bear to part with it; it brings back so many memories" thing gave me an idea. Take pictures of the items, tell their stories here to honor our good times.
First up..
The Shower Skirt
It is black linen with embroidered/beaded flowers flowing down the front. Here is a close-up of the beading.
I wore this skirt Nearly.To.Death the spring/summer before my wedding. I think I wore to every shower I had. Of course, it was paired with a crewneck pink Express t-shirt and black flip-flops. Ah....I love this skirt. It is being lovingly passed to my little co-worker Le-le who is planning a wedding of her own.
The Sweater
Ah...the mid-90s. The days of Friends. A simpler time.
This sweater is wool and it is heavy and I would rock it out today if Lovey hadn't made fun of me when I modeled it for him yesterday. I wore this with a denim shirt underneath (with the collar peaking out), a little black mini-skirt, thick black tights and black stack-heeled clogs. Very Rachel, yes?
My First Cashmere
There once was a store called The Fashion Shack. I would visit it every home game at Clemson where my dad (and later Lovey) would have to stand outside and wait for me to peruse the rows and rows of discount department store merchandise. They were all there: Limited, Express, Macys, J. Crew (before my addiction) and Banana Republic where my ivory short-sleeved turtleneck sweater originated.
This is not the skirt I wore with the sweater. This skirt is an imposter. The skirt I wore is currently in my closet (I guess it is my Goal Skirt). It is a long, black Gap skirt (size 6!) that I have had long. I bought it in Myrtle Beach at the Gap outlet when my friend De-De got married. Remember that, Mom? Wow! It's vintage! Of course, I had to pair the ensemble with pointy-toed and pointy-heeled boots (er, that I actually still wear. Hey! Don't mess with perfection!)
The Gap Crazy Stripe Sweaters
I am crazy for a stripe! The crazier, the better.
Embarrassingly enough, there are consecutive Christmas pictures of me wearing this one.
You never forget your first.
We've reached the corner of Memory Lane and Goodwill Street. Thanks for walking through the past with me. Hopefully, these pieces will bring someone else some of the happiness they brought me....however dated they may be.
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