

Geez, but it is COLD in Sakerlina today. How cold I can't say exactly since I didn't leave the confines of the McManse. I stayed in my plaid flannel pajamas until early afternoon, and I do not even apologize for it. Tomorrow I go back to work after a 5-day respite. It's gonna be so hard.

Tomorrow also starts my TwentyTen Plan.
*Start and continue exercising
*Lose 30 pounds, yes 30
*Go from Clutterbug to CleanFreak (ok, not quite) but that's another story

I'll do my weekly meal plan tonight and grocery shop tomorrow on my lunch hour. That's just how it works for me. I have Goal Jeans I will post a picture of later this week. Heck, they probably aren't even in style anymore, but I lerve them. They always made me feel good when I wore them. And I was able to fit in them when I started this job less than four years ago. Four years ago this February, actually. I think I can do it. Besides, I'm putting it in writing. Now I'm accountable.

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