

Please Jesus, just let me get through this day without killing My Authoritie! Sherri needs help in this regard, too. We'll be good, I promise. Amen.


It's Game Day in Tigertown

Go Tigers! I know it's not likely...but BEAT THOSE BLUE DEVILS!

Littlejohn gets LOUD when ESPN is in the hizzy...



I'm pretty sure ordering this



Amazon's head exploding. Oops....

It's Good Enough for My Cousin the Queen

Lovey and I spent our MLK afternoon test-driving cars. SUVs actually. It just wasn't as fun as I thought it should be somehow.

If you ever wondered what kind of car you need to transport a Briard, let me help you. It's one like this:

Although if he was folded nicely, this may work:

Lovey will so never let me have the black although it is seriously gorgeous. I promise, I will clean it and polish it and feed it good gas. Please, I can have it, please??

Either way, I'm sure Auntie Elizabeth would approve.


Week 2 of The Diet netted 2.8 additional pounds. Which isn't bad considering less weight is generally lost the second week of a diet. That's when your body is like "Hey, wait a minute! I see what you're doing. Hold onto the fat!!" I'm kicking it up a notch this week with aggressive house-cleaning (all day Tuesday actually) and a little physical activity. Yep, it's come to this. On the positive side, I'm a quarter of the way to my goal. Woot! Woot!


The Week That Was


I did not cheat for a second week in a row. I *did* have a couple or several handfuls of Lays potato chips. I swear I could hear the angels sing. Geez, they were good. Technically, that's not cheating since I still had my 35 bonus points to use for the week. Again, there had better be some progress on the scale in the AM.

I watched The Biggest Loser again. I have to say I have a bone to pick with Jillian. For one, she seems pretty mean. I’d be tempted to throw a barbell at her. Or a stick of Extra sugar-free gum. That show is all about product placement. Even when I hear her commercial on the radio, I scream “You’re mean!!!” to the dashboard. Anyhoo! Last week as part of the teams’ challenge, Orange Team had to watch a “normal” person eat what they would eat for a day. There were burritos, nachos, something that looked like a crunchmelt and more lined up on the table. Jillian had to eat some of it. Girlfriend looked mortified that this grease and fat had to pass her lips. When she took a bite, she nearly gagged. To which I thought, “Really, Jillian? I heard you say on Leno that you were a former fat girl. There is NO WAY you didn’t enjoy that Taco Bell goodness. No. Freakin’. Way.”

My Tigers beat UNC!!! Did I say beat? I mean DOMINATED! Yeah! Trevor Booker is a monster!

I ordered all of the materials for my Giant Inspiration Board. Pictures to follow. I’m not sure what it is but I feel like my creativity is back. For a while there, I felt like it had just gone. Sorry, Lovey! It’s back.

Vol Nation was pi$$ed this week when their weasel coach Lane Kiffin bolted to USC. I say good riddance. You’ll fit right in in Cali, Lane. There’s no place in Knoxville for a slick guy. They needed a good old boy like Derrick Dooley (even thought I had never heard of him before he was announced as coach. Heh.)

Lovey and I completed a minor home improvement project with a bare minimum of impatience and cursing on his part. I was the one who had to stand there with a wall-mount television bracket balanced on my head. You didn’t see me betching cuz my head was sore either.

FINALLY…..and horribly....

Gaines Adams died today at 26. DIED. At 26 of a heart attack. I cannot seem to wrap my head around this one. Just a few years ago, I was cheering for him from the Clemson upper deck. The craziness is that he is the second athlete this week to die from an enlarged heart. I’m no doctor, but shouldn’t this be something that should be, I don’t know, checked from now on in athletic physicals? I’m just devastated for his family. Rest in peace.


Pretty Boy

Somebody went to the beauty shop!

This was after he came in this morning. I said his name. and he immediately sat like this for me to take his picture. Pose, baby, pose.



4.2 pounds!!!! If found, please do not return. Only 25.8 to go. I'm a happy girl.


Goal Jeans and Other Clothing Items

First things first....

I am proud to say that I have not cheated One.Whole.Time this week. There were actually days I didn't even eat everything I was supposed to so I had *better* see some sort of result when I step on the scale in the morning. And how stupid am I that I weigh in on Monday???? That means no weekend cheating. Poorly played, K, poorly played.

Without further ado, here are my goal jeans:

Gap Low-rise Bell Jeans. They don't look like much just hanging there. Trust me on this one....

Let's compare them to the $8 Target jeans I bought a few weeks ago to Get Me Through. Becuase I was DAMNED if I was going to spend good money on bigger jeans.

These (left) are the Converse One-Star Delaney Straight Jean. And they'll do for now. Wow, they look big compared to my Goals. Le Boo! Le Boo!

While cleaning out the closet in the Green Room, I was BRUTAL. Take no clothing prisoners. The "I just can't bear to part with it; it brings back so many memories" thing gave me an idea. Take pictures of the items, tell their stories here to honor our good times.

First up..

The Shower Skirt

It is black linen with embroidered/beaded flowers flowing down the front. Here is a close-up of the beading.

I wore this skirt Nearly.To.Death the spring/summer before my wedding. I think I wore to every shower I had. Of course, it was paired with a crewneck pink Express t-shirt and black flip-flops. Ah....I love this skirt. It is being lovingly passed to my little co-worker Le-le who is planning a wedding of her own.

The Sweater
Ah...the mid-90s. The days of Friends. A simpler time.

This sweater is wool and it is heavy and I would rock it out today if Lovey hadn't made fun of me when I modeled it for him yesterday. I wore this with a denim shirt underneath (with the collar peaking out), a little black mini-skirt, thick black tights and black stack-heeled clogs. Very Rachel, yes?

My First Cashmere

There once was a store called The Fashion Shack. I would visit it every home game at Clemson where my dad (and later Lovey) would have to stand outside and wait for me to peruse the rows and rows of discount department store merchandise. They were all there: Limited, Express, Macys, J. Crew (before my addiction) and Banana Republic where my ivory short-sleeved turtleneck sweater originated.

This is not the skirt I wore with the sweater. This skirt is an imposter. The skirt I wore is currently in my closet (I guess it is my Goal Skirt). It is a long, black Gap skirt (size 6!) that I have had since...wow...way long. I bought it in Myrtle Beach at the Gap outlet when my friend De-De got married. Remember that, Mom? Wow! It's vintage! Of course, I had to pair the ensemble with pointy-toed and pointy-heeled boots (er, that I actually still wear. Hey! Don't mess with perfection!)

The Gap Crazy Stripe Sweaters
I am crazy for a stripe! The crazier, the better.

Embarrassingly enough, there are consecutive Christmas pictures of me wearing this one.

You never forget your first.

We've reached the corner of Memory Lane and Goodwill Street. Thanks for walking through the past with me. Hopefully, these pieces will bring someone else some of the happiness they brought me....however dated they may be.



Geez, but it is COLD in Sakerlina today. How cold I can't say exactly since I didn't leave the confines of the McManse. I stayed in my plaid flannel pajamas until early afternoon, and I do not even apologize for it. Tomorrow I go back to work after a 5-day respite. It's gonna be so hard.

Tomorrow also starts my TwentyTen Plan.
*Start and continue exercising
*Lose 30 pounds, yes 30
*Go from Clutterbug to CleanFreak (ok, not quite) but that's another story

I'll do my weekly meal plan tonight and grocery shop tomorrow on my lunch hour. That's just how it works for me. I have Goal Jeans I will post a picture of later this week. Heck, they probably aren't even in style anymore, but I lerve them. They always made me feel good when I wore them. And I was able to fit in them when I started this job less than four years ago. Four years ago this February, actually. I think I can do it. Besides, I'm putting it in writing. Now I'm accountable.


Do-over Day

Another stinking headache? Really? At least this one lasted only a fraction as long.


Happy New Year ?

2010 began with a whimper - from me - courtesy of the waking up with the worst headache in recent memory. I know what you're thinking: last night was New Years Eve....too much champagne perchance? Um, no. I did not even have a sip at midnight. I was The Driver so I limited myself to Sprite Zero (ok, and a small dash of pinot over a 7 hour period).

No, this was pure sinus. On the way home last night, my eyes started hurting, probably from the smoke from the oyster pit. This morning, I had a full-blown Headache from the Deepest Reaches of Hell. Wish I was exaggerating there.

It's now 7:15 PM and after
*2 cups of coffee
*2 extra strength excedrin
*1 claritin
*3 hours of lying down watching Lifetime movies
* Lovey's headache cocktail of 2 tylenol taken simultaneously with 2 advil
* Lying in bed another hour and a half, crying my head hurt so badly

I am now left with only a dull ache at the base of my head. And for that I am grateful.

There's lots I want to get accomplished in 2010 which I will get to tomorrow (thanks, Scarlett) since I'm taking a Mulligan for today.