

If one actually wanted to purchase a fanny pack*, where in the world would one go to purchase a fanny pack? Would it require a Delorean and a clock tower?

*Disclaimer: I do not want to purchase a fanny pack or receive one as a gift. I merely saw one in a picture and pondered. Hence the title.


I Want...No, I Need...No, I Want!

There is one computer in our house. It is usually tied up on motorcycle or cars or football blogs. Guess who isn't on it?

A few weeks ago, I spotted a mini-laptop at HH Gregg. It promptly got stuck in my head. I have made it my goal to have this little creature by my birthday or for my birthday. I don't care that it has a plug.

It is deceptively tiny. Like I could carry it in my purse like a day planner tiny. Imagine, I could blog anytime, anywhere about all the nonsensical stuff floating around in my head at all times instead of "splurt blogging". So need this. Want!

Let's look at it this way. The week after my birthday, Lovey bought EXPENSIVE speakers for the bonus room. The week after Christmas, Lovey bought a RACE BIKE. Therefore, for Lovey's birthday, I should already have this little gem.

Projected Projects

I've mentioned my new OCD. Well, I also have about a thousand ideas of decor projects in our house.

First up, the ugly (but free) parsons chair:

It's hideous, yes? This is going to live at my little desk area downstairs.

I'm also thinking of painting the formica top with chalkboard paint (this will be done on a day Lovey is NOT IN TOWN. Better to take praise for innovation later instead of being quizzed before hand, no?)

Here is a look at my perfectest office ever:

Pottery Barn, you had me from "project table".
And I'd have to have these idea boards:

My little project board is here:

The swatch in the center is burlap - $2.97/yard from the Wally - that is going on the ugly parsons chair. Trust me.

The fabric and trim on the left is going here:

Wow...that almost makes the parsons look good. Anyway, the wood will be painted gloss black, the fabric will be black and white with the lime trim. Yes, it is going to live in the green room.

The houndstooth fabric on the right.....I don't know.....it has to go somewhere in here - even if it is only on pillows.

So here are the "befores". "Afters" to follow...

Our Weekend

Pullo had a card for Lovey for Valentine's Day - and a big bag of Reese's hearts! Sorry for the crappy picture...

For Valentine's Day dinner, I had an odd request: chicken wings. See, I haven't cheated on my diet to any degree THIS YEAR so I felt it was only right to treat myself. They. Were. Heaven. Loved. Them. All...

On Sunday, I took inspiration from Jen Lancaster and made chocolate peanut butter cupcakes for Lovey's birthday cake.

Yeah.... They were that good! The entire house smelled like (non-tainted) peanut butter all day.



Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Lovey!
Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
You act like a monkey,
And smell like one, too!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Loooooooo-veeeeeeey!
Happy birthday to you!

And many more!!!!!!!


Weigh Cool!!!

As has been my practice since the New Year, I weigh myself every Monday morning. And again on Tuesday because it's always a little less. :/ I am happy to report that as of this morning, I have lost 8 pounds. EIGHT! That's one third of the way to my goal. I can actually tell that my pants and skirts are a little looser. I wore jeans yesterday that I haven't been able to button since last April. Woot! Woot! Now I can go shopping in my closet for *new* clothes this spring.

This really doesn't help the $25 J. Crew Rewards card that is currently burning a hole in my wallet. I don't want to buy my old size, but I don't want to buy the new smaller size of anything until I am truly that smaller size. All in all, I guess it's not that bad of a dilemma to have.


One Word

1. Where is your cell phone? attached
2. Your significant other? Lovey
3. Your hair? graying
4. Your mother? sweet
5. Your father? orange
6. Your favorite thing? creativity
7. Your dream last night? strange
8. Your favorite drink? water (blah, I know)
9. Your goal? organization
10. The room you are in? blue
11. Your fear? snakes
12. Where do you want (or will be) to be in 6 years? here
13. Where were you last night? couch
14. What you're not? aggressive
15. Muffins? please
16. One of your wish list items? mini-laptop (it's hyphenated!)
17. Where you grew up? O-burg
18. The last thing you did? type
19. What are you wearing? Uggs
20. Your TV? downstairs
21. Your pet? plural
22. Your computer? fast
23. Your life? Perfect
25. Missing someone? yep
26. Your car? full
27. Something you're not wearing? heels
28. Favorite store? JCrew
29. Your summer? hot
30. Your favorite color? lime
31. When is the last time you laughed? today
32. Last time you cried? ? XLIII

Now, leave me alone, E!!! I did one.

Pullo Sized!

Poor baby! These cold SC nights leave a poor boy shivering on these wood floors. Alas, dog beds don't quite fit my *baby* boy. At Ross today, I spotted a papasan chair cushion for $27 (with the $80 Pier 1 tag still attached!!).

I brought it home, and he loves it!


Think I'm Coming Down With Something

I've been feeling a little weird lately....not myself. I haven't seen a doctor, but I think it might be....OCD. GAK!

At work, due to "harsh economic times..." (and a touch of El Nino - shout out, Co-co!!), I'm forced to account for my expenses to the penny and my staff's overtime to the second.

I feel that this has eeked its way into my personal life. Of course, I started Operation Organization last month to de-clutter my life (and change the whole personality make-up of a clutterbug). But I think this is getting serious.

I got this book out that my Mom bought me a few years ago for a little organizational inspiration:

Wow! Martha, really?? I'd have to quit my day job just to do her weekly home checklist. Although, I did find my favorite "Martha Tip": use dark-colored washcloths to take your make-up off. (Make-up stains light-colored ones). Of course, Martha's had MAKEUP embroidered right on it (of course it did, it's Martha!). So much for my love of the 12-packs of white washcloths that I neatly rolled up for display.

Then I noticed that I had started organizing my dresser drawers according to color and type of shirt (short-sleeve, long-sleeve, tank, graphic, solid and stripe). Monday, I lined up all the Sugar-free Red Bulls and apple juices - MTV Crib-style - in the refrigerator.

The final straw was when I put all of my eggs in the same basket -- er, bowl -- all Martha-like:

I'm not sure at this point if I should be proud of myself or just plain afraid.