
It's Come to This

First, I would like to thank the 80-year-old woman who took her legs back after four long, agonizing days. Can't say that I appreciate the bish who gave me the crampy stomach for three days after. Anyway, bygones.

I've been good. I've stayed out of stores. Everytime I look at something, I say to myself "would you rather have this or would you rather have a new house". The house wins every time.

My J. Crew card is not only paid off, it's peacefully sleeping in a desk drawer at the McManse. I haven't even so much as looked at the website in over four months. Last week when my in-laws were in town we went to Tanger. And that's where I saw it:

"Coming Soon. J. Crew Outlet".

What? They promised! They promised they would never put one here! Deep breath. My greatest test awaits.

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