
Actual Conversation That Actually Happened Because I Couldn't Make This Up

Co-worker Type Person: Have you guys moved into your house yet?

Me: No, it's going to be a while.

Co-worker Type Person: You guys have a contract, don't you?

Me: Yeah. We have the land. We're just saving and figuring out what we want.

Co-worker Type Person: But I saw a picture Lovey* posted of a big house on Facebook.

Me (confused): Lovey did?

Co-worker Type Person: Yeah, a really big house.

Me: (more confused): When did he do that? Are you sure?

Co-worker Type Person: Yeah, it's his profile picture.

Me: (finally understanding): That's Drayton Hall.

Although...... that would solve my "issues" with SCShmee&G.

*No, my co-workers don't call the husband Lovey. But they do for the purpose of this blog. :)



46% Humidity

After a week of 100+ days and rain every afternoon, today is a perfect 86 degrees with low humidity.

The only thing that could make this Saturday more perfect would be to find out that gelato is non-fattening.

Take a look at one of the two cutest boys in the world:

Oh! I just want to squeeze him! This is Lovey's boy. Duffy follows him everywhere. If Lovey is in town for the week, forget it. I'm basically non-existent to the Duff-monster.

And here is the other:

The big scaredy one. He's mine. Lucky me. I think he thinks he's protecting me. Unless there is rain and/or thunder, then I protect him.

I'm kind of out-numbered since Mizz B is gone. A house full of boys, yeesh.

Lovey and I were talking the other day about when, in the future, we would get another dog.

Lovey: I was thinking if we got another male Briard, we could name him "Neo".

Me: I was thinking "Optimus".

This is what happen when dorks marry.


It's Come to This

First, I would like to thank the 80-year-old woman who took her legs back after four long, agonizing days. Can't say that I appreciate the bish who gave me the crampy stomach for three days after. Anyway, bygones.

I've been good. I've stayed out of stores. Everytime I look at something, I say to myself "would you rather have this or would you rather have a new house". The house wins every time.

My J. Crew card is not only paid off, it's peacefully sleeping in a desk drawer at the McManse. I haven't even so much as looked at the website in over four months. Last week when my in-laws were in town we went to Tanger. And that's where I saw it:

"Coming Soon. J. Crew Outlet".

What? They promised! They promised they would never put one here! Deep breath. My greatest test awaits.