
I've Been Busy

Long time, sweeties! Here's what I've been doing:

First weekend in Sept: Big boss was supposed to come down. Cancelled! Still missed the game.

Second weekend in Sept: "vacation" in Tennessee. Busy, busy days, not too relaxing.

Third weekend in Sept: Baby shower out of town. I don't post personal pics here but rest assured those are two of the cutest kids ever!

Fourth weekend in September: bouquet making on Friday and Saturday morning. Birthday party Saturday afternoon. Much praying Sunday morning for the rain to hold off. Wedding Sunday night.

First weekend in Oct: Homecoming! We lost and here are my legs:
Here would BE my legs, but blogger is not cooperating right now. Suffice it to say they were lobster-like to the point that I had chills all Saturday night. And I'm still peeling like a snake.

Last weekend....I cannot even remember. It's been that kind of a month. Work has been particularly frustrating. Won't bore anyone with all of that.

Right now I'm just trying to wrap my head around getting back on track. Hope to see you sooner rather than later, peeps.

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