
Day 8

The Held Hostage by Heat crisis is (nearly) over. The A/C dudes are outside making sure everything is in Proper Working Order and the thermostats are set down to 70 to cool this joint down - which I'm assured will happen around 9 PM tonight.

Here's one thing I've learned yesterday and today. I was BORED not being able to do anything all day. Not that I didn't have anything to do around the house, it's just that when you sweat when you type, you tend to stay sedentary.

At one point yesterday, I was watching Amazing Wedding Cakes. A show. About high-end wedding cakes. Another thing I learned, rich people can request Uuuugly wedding cakes. I'd rather be poor and have taste than rich and .... well, I don't really have a choice in the rich part, but you get my drift.

Today, I got up at 6 AM (and it's not even football season yet!) to let the guys start work at 7 AM. Desperate times and all that. At 7 AM, I became "enthralled" with DIY channel's photography show where I learned how to take better architectural photos. Embarrassingly, it was quite informative.

I've checked and double-checked my work and personal email and flipped through some catalogs. I've watched HGTV and DIY and other channels with only letters for names. I'm actually looking forward to mopping the kitchen in an hour or so (sadly!).

The high point of the day: I scored some big, beautiful lamps off of craigslist. My first successful purchase! The little Navy guy I bought them from reminded me of Landry from Friday Night Lights. Aw, Landry.

It's dangerous to leave my mind with too much time of its hands. I've mentally rearranged every piece of furniture in this house. I've come up with three different ideas for each project I have so far.

Ah, back to a real bed tonight. Goodbye, Manland. Goodbye, Blow Up Mattress. I think I'll miss you most.

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