
2066 Days

I've never been a big fan of Valentine's Day. It is so contrived. Why should I only take one day of the year to tell the person/people I love that I love them? One day a year when you make an effort to be nice to each other? FAIL!

But here is my Valentine sentiment to Lovey this year...

This week, my little Le-le asked me to help her plan her Fall wedding. (I love a project!) As I was looking around for inspiration photos on The Knot, I tried logging in. On my home page, it said that Lovey and I have been married 2066 days! That sounds HUGE! But it was kind of cool at the same time.

There are days that Lovey really gets on my nerves. *Cough* x-box *Cough* I have been known to look at the dogs when they are scaredy from his yelling at a video game and saying, "It's OK. You know he's a jackass sometimes". Or when we get ready to go out to eat and he GETS ON THE COMPUTER OR CALLS SOMEONE. Really? I'm the girl. I'm supposed to be the one he is waiting on. Whew...glad I got that out.

I know I'm not the easiest person to live with either. I hate hanging up my clothes and I'm a clutter bug. (I'm trying to fix that part). I know there are times that Lovey looks at me sometimes and thinks "What the hell? Where did that come from?"

Anyway, I guess we're lucky that those times are few and hopefully far between.

I love that he asks me how my day was every day when I come home.

I love that he takes the garbage out.

I love that he loves my Dyswoon vacuum and isn't afraid to use it.

I love it that he gets up in the morning and gives Mizz Blanca her medicine.

In a nutshell, I love him - xbox and all.

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