
Wha Hoppened?

At least Lovey got his wish: I hate Alabama now, especially their coach, Nick Satan. But then again, I hate how pitifully my team performed as well. I realize it was the first game of the season, but really? Seriously? Goodbye, #9. Football season over anything is what makes me Worst Case Scenario Girl. I'd rather be ranked low and move up (to the surprise and delight of eveyone) than be ranked high and crash and burn.

1 comment:

Lane and Christian said...

Yep. Still haven't heard the last HEEE HAWWWW about that game. DH loves to rub it in... but fact is, only one game counts, and as a Tiger sister told me yesterday, them chicken bones are still mighty nice toothpicks from last year!! :) 3T and 5T btw!