Another weekend, another two days spent working feverishly to finish the bathroom. Sorta.
First of all, here is the completed floor:
I showed this picture to my "Ty Penningtons" and they said "that one is crooked". Well, screeeeeew you! Considering I'm an amateur, I think I did a pretty fine job if I must say so.
So the inlaws arrive Friday. Last weekend I decided if I could just use my own toilet and wash my face in my very own sink while they were here, everything would be fine. Did I mention Lovey and I well still using the same bathroom? So Ty Pennington #1 and his wife came over yesterday to hook up the vanities......His wife and I drank wine while the boys did the so-not-fun stuff with the plumbing.'s not completely hooked up yet. BUT....with God as my will be before Friday! Ty Pen #2 is coming this week to hook up the toilet and put my closet doors back up. THIS IS GOING TO WORK, DANGIT!
Here is what the vanity looks like so far:
OK, that's a pretty dark picture so you can't really tell, but I
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! And this is where the pretty, pretty mirror will live as well!
Here's another shot...not much better really.
So let's talk about pretty things again. I found a (much!!!) cheaper rug than the Pottery Barn one at Target (MERCI, Ms. Target!)
Also, the towels in the basket, courtesy of Target. I LOVE me some Target.
The white and stripey ones are from my BEST friend, TJ.
One more design thing today, the tile around the tub. This is so going to wait until the Fam is gone. But here it is:
Did I mention that I AM SO READY FOR THIS TO BE DONE!!!!! I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!! I want to be able to get ready in the morning in ONE room, not THREE! I want things back in their PLACE not SCATTERED EVERYWHERE! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Because in my mind? I've already moved onto re-doing the back patio. YIKES!