
Is This Where We Are?

First of all, I want to say how badly I feel right now for the family of Heath Ledger. I feel for his parents who lost a son; I feel for Michelle Williams, his ex-whatever, because I know she is feeling such sorrow right now for someone she probably still loves. I especially feel for their daughter, Matilda, who will never remember or know her father as she grows up.

That being said, HOW DOES FOX NEWS LEAD WITH THIS STORY? Yes, it is unfortunate that a young man with such artistic potential passed away when there was many great things ahead for him. But, seriously, people - this is an election year - one candidate dropped out of the race today and two other candidates played "I know you are but what am I?" last night in Myrtle Beach. There is still a war going on in Iraq, although I'm not sure judging by tonight's news broadcasts.

You know, I would expect this from E! (Don't be mad. You know I still love you you guys) or Entertainment Tonight. I just truly wonder where our heads are that this is the lead story, "Breaking News" even (!) on channel 10 in Columbia, SC. I'm a media whore, I'll admit it - I click 20 times a day on Mamapop.com (I still love you, too)- I'm just a little depressed about the state of the country right now. It was 7:11 PM on Shepard Smith before anything other than a retrospective of Heath Ledger's life and death was presented.

Don't worry, I'll get over it and probably be snarky again by tomorrow.

R. I. P. Heath.

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